Monday, July 4, 2011

See Photo Write

1st Writes' Photo Prompt Blogging Challenge
Appearing every Monday!

All are welcome to participate in this fun prompt! Let's see how many unique stories we can come up with for each Monday's photo!


  1. That in interesting metal looking man:)

  2. Here is my response (Bette Renshaw):

    He stands majestically, arms outstretched in a welcoming pose. He invites all to come and sit a spell. The younger folks dream of going higher and higher. The older folks dream of days gone by.

    He used to enjoy many, many children having fun as he held them in his strong arms. They are all gone now and the only ones who come are those just passing by on a walk or a run. The years and weather have aged him, but he continues to stand tall, like a sentry watching over his territory.

    I wonder if any children ever gave him a name.

  3. aw, I love the response above. Brilliant.
    (great pic too)
