Monday, September 10, 2012


Does the devil whisper lies to you about your writing?


It’s not good enough.
Who would want to read it?
It’s never going to get published.
You have better things to do 
than write.

These are a few of the lies he’s been telling me. I’ve been putting off my book even though I’m close to finishing the revision. I’ve been filling my time with home projects and reading. But, guess what? It’s time to get back to writing. 

It’s time to proclaim that what I write does matter. God has anointed me to write. My book was written on Biblical truths. It will serve a purpose and it will get published. Right now, I am going to adjust my thinking and focus on truth.

God does not lie.

Do you need an attitude adjustment like me? If so, pray with me:

Dear Heavenly Father, you have given me the call and passion to write. I thank you for this blessing. Help me overcome lies from the enemy, so that I can focus on your work, for your kingdom. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and set my mind on only your truth. Anoint my writing and use it to bring others closer to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  1. i hear the same whispers from the enemy especially since my book of poems was a financial disaster and I ended up giving them to Nursing homes!
    Keep going! You fill find God's whispers more frequent and much more attractive!

    1. Wyn, Thank you for the encouragement. I am sorry about your poetry book and hope that you are still writing.

  2. Awesome reflection and prayer! I can identify
    To some degree!! God will keep us encouraged if we are meant to write and if we listen!

    1. Cheryl, You are right. We need to listen. Thanks for commenting!
