Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Buttons - The Anchor

Pam brought a jar of buttons to writing group. She poured the buttons out on the table. We could pick any button to write about for 10 minutes. For the next few days, I'll share our button stories.
The Anchor by Brianna Renshaw

After discussing the ways God preserves us, I couldn’t help but zero in on the big black button with the imprint of an anchor. What better symbol for God’s steadfast presence in our lives? Adrift in a stormy sea of guilt and grief, it was God who anchored me; who gave me strength and solace. 

Sometimes in the midst of distress and turmoil, I flail about gasping for air and reaching out for a lifeline without realizing that I’m safely anchored to God.

I’m never adrift. God is always my anchor. When sadness, despair and grief threaten to drown me, God is there – a strong sturdy presence to steady me and keep me afloat. His word, His love, and His power all preserve me as I navigate the the ups and downs of life.


  1. Love this reminder, Brianna. Thanks!

  2. What a wonderful analogy! As a button hoarder, I enjoy looking at them and seeing their designs. Now I will look at them again--this time with God as the Great Designer.
