We are so excited! On Friday, Dawn, Brianna, and I will be heading to the Best Western Country Cupboard Inn, Lewisburg, PA for the Susquehanna Valley Writers Workshop. This event covers numerous genres every year and includes private critiques, peer critique sessions, and workshops with editors, agents, authors, mentors, and experts in a variety of fields. Conferees will be challenged to hone their skills to the best of their ability.
In November of 2010 three of us traveled to Fishers, Indiana to the 9th Annual Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference where we joined with other writers and experienced a terrific 1 ½ day conference format that was packed with valuable tips for success. If you can get there, I highly recommend it. The 2011 Conference dates are November 4-5.
Throughout the year writing workshops and conferences are held all over the United States. ChristianManuscriptsSubmissions.com and Sally Stewart, (author of the Christian Writers' Market Guide) list Christian conferences that will help bring our writing to a new level and will provide an opportunity for writers to interact with professionals. What are the perks of attending a writers’ conference?

For these reasons and many more, I recommend searching out and attending a writers’ workshop or conference. They are well worth the time and the expense.
If you have more good reasons to attend we would love to have you post them in the comments section.
May your writing be blessed!
Pam Williams
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